start kinda boring, but you but after 25 sec its getting really good, you have chosen a good beat true the hole song, so respect for that 9/10 5/5
start kinda boring, but you but after 25 sec its getting really good, you have chosen a good beat true the hole song, so respect for that 9/10 5/5
Cool Thanks man for the review im uploading some new stuff soon ;)
to much variation! you should should take 1 kind of synth ore sound and make a song with that, becouse of the variation, there was no build-up and not really a ending
but wend I had only one sound people told me they grew bored of it
I also think that too much sounds ins't good but I think it was necessary here
I'll do other versions, this is just a demo
wow spooky
this review is not really neccecarry, becouse you alredy reviewed yourselfXD when im listening to it, i see myself hy in the sky, and angels then shine as the sun are flying around me! i know wierd idea,
at 2:15 it starts to get really happy, with al the fruity loop soundsXD
this is good for a morning after beerXd
Hey man, I always love hearing about the moods people get, and the visions in their minds that they conceive from what they hear in the music. It's all very interesting to me. I agree it does get quite happy, especially with the vibra-slap to kick it off :p Thanks for the review Bill!
- Arron -
its not a crime that you cand sing as lemmy he has a voice that you can only get if you smoke for 40 years!!!!! XD the recording was not really good:( but you guys are pretty good respect
really relaxing song, the choir at the back is great! great job
1. best part around 0:50
Thanks for the review Billy, glad you enjoyed!
it begins very weak, but after the inrto it sounded really awesom!!! especcialy around 1:44 great job
Oh thanks a lot ^^
ok.....need practice
im also bad at makien music, you should change the rythim and use some tunes that match
This was out of fun... and it sounded okay so i threw it out here and i CANNOT believe the scores im getting THIS IS AWESOME!
whahaha grappig
hij knalt hij knalt, die begrijp ik nmog niet helemaal. maar klnikt goed kerel, soort sinterklaas lied ofzo, de tune komt me in ieder geval heel bekend voor
Hij komt, Hij komt ^^
Joined on 9/28/07